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Vegan Meals | Workout | Vegan Athlete

A lot of people ask what I typically do during my workouts in the gym. Well of course I do basketball drills because I have to stay on top of my skills, then I hit the weight room. To others, my basketball drills can be considered as your cardio (of your choice) in the initial part of your workout and then move on to weights. I did legs and core today. Make sure not to workout the same muscle groups the following day, your muscles need rest to grow! And I threw some meals in there so you have an idea as to what Vegans eat to prepare for the gym and to refuel. Hope you guys enjoyed this video, don't forget to like, comment, subscribe, and share to see more!

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Fitness Voices
Vegan Meals | Workout | Vegan Athlete Reviewed by Unknown on August 20, 2017 Rating: 5

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