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Bodyweight Training: The Ripped Chest & Abs Workout For Men

Skinny guys, follow this plan to gain weight:

Most naturally skinny guys think that bodyweight training is not going to help them build lean muscle mass. Contrary to popular belief, you can build lean muscle mass and get jacked with bodyweight training workouts.

This workout was designed to give you a ripped abs workout while offering one of the best chest workouts for men. These two muscle groups are notorious with your "beach body" and will give you an impressive looking physique.

Bodyweight Training: The Ripped Chest and Ripped Abs Workout for Men

0:49 - Slow Motion Push-Ups

Slow motion push-ups are great bodyweight training exercises because they put a huge emphasis on the eccentric portion of the lift. This is the negative portion and actually helps you build muscle more effectively than contracting a muscle. This is a great chest workout for men who want to get those shredded pec muscles.

1:32 - Ankle Biters

Ankle biters are great for any ripped abs workout because they keep your time under tension at its maximum. Home ab workouts are usually ineffective and will not allow you to shed excess body fat. Ankle biters are great at sculpting your physique and getting you ripped abs.

2:11 - Decline Diamond Push-Ups

These push-ups are great for bodyweight training and will emphasize your upper chest. Chest workouts at home usually only work the middle portion of the chest; this exercise will not only build your upper chest but will work your triceps muscles as well.

3:05 - Push-Up Position: Knee to Elbow

This is another great exercise that should be part of any bodyweight training program because it puts a huge emphasis on your core and stabilizer muscles. Ab workouts for men should force you to contract and stabilize your core.

3:45 - Clapper Push-Ups with an Isometric Chest Flex

This is the ultimate chest workout for men because it is designed to increase your lactic acid production, which will boost your natural production of HGH and help you get swole. Isometric flexing is a great chest workout for men that can be done anywhere with no equipment.

Read the full article on Weight Gain Network:





Fitness Voices
Bodyweight Training: The Ripped Chest & Abs Workout For Men Reviewed by Unknown on August 20, 2017 Rating: 5

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