Full Leg workout | Glutes, Inner Thighs and Hammies
Killer efficient leg workout that hits it ALL! Short on time? This workout is perfect for you. Targets Glutes, hammies, inner thighs and quads
• My HOME GUIDE has been released. http://www.hannahbower2.com/workoutguides/wg-get-fit-at-home/
• Resistance Bands: http://lddy.no/zyc discount code: Hannah
OR @mbslingshot
• Wearing @Ptulaactive: code -hannah
1. Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/hannahbower2/?hl=en
2. Twitter- https://twitter.com/hanzbananzz?lang=en
3. Snap- Hannah.bower
• All of my other programs can be found at www.hannahbower2.com
• All of my guides are based on what I do or have done to get where I am at. My Youtube videos are a great example of what the guides would be like!
1. -Leg & Glute Guide
2. -Full Body Guide
3. -Full Body Home Guide
• @Bitemeals is a Meal Prep Service: www.bitemeals.com
Discount code: “hannah”
• @tryabouttime- Supplements I take: www.tryabouttime.com
• L-Glutamine
• Protein pancake mix
• Vegan protein/whey isolate protein powder
---Discount code: Hannah
A1. Dead Lift to Hip Thrust – 5x8 reps
A2. Dead lift pulses- 5x12
B1. Plate Dead Lifts-3x1 0-12reps
B2. Reverse Lunge to Curtsy Lunge- 3x10 reps
C1. Side lunge - 3x12 reps
C2. Elevated sumo squat- 3x12 reps
D1. Single Leg hamstring curl- 5 reps each
D2. Regular hamstring curl 10 reps
D.3 Glute Bridge- 10 reps
D4. Hold glute bridge-10 sec
Repeat 3x
** can also add resistance to make more difficult
E1. Around the worlds- 3x25 reps
Enjoy! Please let me know how it goes
Fitness Voices
Full Leg workout | Glutes, Inner Thighs and Hammies
Reviewed by Unknown
February 05, 2018

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