HIIT Fat Burning Cardio Workout - Quick Intense Workout for Weight Loss 10 min
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I've got a great new fitness class that's super high intensity and great for weight loss and fat burning. This 10 minute cardio workout will take you through intervals of 1 minute of intense cardio followed by a toning exercise, mostly focused on the lower body.
You don't need any props or equipment for this workout, except for some sneakers, a yoga mat and your water bottle. This HIIT fat burning cardio workout can help you lose weight, increase your cardio and give you a great workout when you're short on time.
Keep your eyes peeled for an upper body workout in the next few weeks! If you're looking to make some serious changes in your flexibility & strength, I highly recommend trying my ✦ 14-Day Yoga Challenge ✦ http://bit.ly/14dayyoga
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Fitness Voices
HIIT Fat Burning Cardio Workout - Quick Intense Workout for Weight Loss 10 min
Reviewed by Unknown
June 30, 2017

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