10 Minute LOW IMPACT (No Jumping!) Boot Camp Workout with a DUMBBELL | HOT 100 Challenge Day 31
10 Minute LOW IMPACT (No Jumping!) Boot Camp Workout with a DUMBBELL *** It's the #HOT100 - quick, sweaty and FUN workouts to get you through the long hot summer! Grab a DUMBBELL and let's get to work burning 100 calories in just 10 minutes and without jumping! Full body workout covers ABS, STRENGTH, CARDIO + BALANCE. (see full workout breakdown below)
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BEGINNER+ (Level Three)
10 minutes
Interval timer is set for one minute; complete each exercise once; there is NO REST
1 minute of ABS:
Leg Extension Crunches
2 minutes of STRENGTH:
Renegade Rows
Close Squats with Front Raises
3 minutes of CARDIO:
Alley Oops
Frog Reaches
Toy Soldiers
4 minutes of BALANCE:
Swinging Lunges (one minute each side)
Around the World Kicks (one minute each side)
Warm Up: https://youtu.be/RpxBr2XMDzE
Finisher: https://youtu.be/f-5YOeII2jM
❤ FREE 4-Week Plan ❤ Get Fit with FUN workouts: http://pahlabfitness.com/free-4-week-beginner-workout-plan/
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Fitness Voices
10 Minute LOW IMPACT (No Jumping!) Boot Camp Workout with a DUMBBELL | HOT 100 Challenge Day 31
Reviewed by Unknown
June 29, 2017

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